Thursday, August 18, 2011

Just How Are We Related Anyway??

The first cousin, second cousin, once removed, three times removed thing really isn’t as confusing as it sounds. Let’s start with the cousin numbers:

First cousins share the same grandparents
Second cousins share the same great-grandparents
Third cousins share the same great-great-grandparents
Fourth cousins share the same great-great-great-grandparents

The “removed” aspect denotes a generational difference — the number of levels away you are from a common ancestor, compared to your relative’s distance is how many generations you are removed from that particular relative. This isn’t about years — this is basically about the difference in the number of times you have to say “great.”

Chart your relationship
Below is a little chart to help out. Choose a relative, find a common ancestor, then in the green bar across the top, determine your relationship to this common ancestor. Then, in the blue bar down the left side, determine your relative’s relationship to the common ancestor. Where the two intersect will tell you your relationship!


The abover informationand chart is from

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